Question: Hello,
Why is it that I can read more about the new Deicide album on Blabbermouth.net(owned by Roadrunner) than I can on the Earache site. As a big fan on Deicide, I am really looking forward to the new Deicide album and keep checking the Earache site for info, but I can find out so much more about it on Blabbermouth. Cover art and studio news and track listings being an example. Why are we not seeing this on the Earache site?
Also, there has been a news item on the Earache site for sometime saying that there has been some old TV footage of Deicide found, I try to click on the link and it does not work. I find this happens alot with your site. From: Unknown.
Answer: The album is not yet finished and thats why nothing official has been announced from Earache.(This page is just my personal rambling blog, where i try my best to answer your questions).All news on Blabbermouth etc is gleaned from unofficial sources usually,tho i admit,most of the time Blabber is pretty much correct, but it always lacks the finer details.As I write this, 'The Stench Of Redemption' is STILL being recorded and tweaked and its on its second mixdown at Morrisound studio, due to be finally completed this Saturday night. Obviously the original album release date of 6.6.6 is blown- its more like August now..we call it -TBC. But to celebrate that most unholiest of days coming in 2 weeks time -6.6.6 - we are currently hopeful of offering fans an exclusive Deicide downloadable EP via iTunes Music Store on that date- it will include a brand new track from the "Stench" sessions, probably an early mix.Again, nothing is set in stone, as we have no actual album!

As for the bad links on the news at earache.com-errr dunno what you mean matey?the links work fine for me and the webmaster - if you have some crappy browser and slow machine then maybe the page takes a while to load but invest in some patience for once- wait about 10 seconds and then the story appears.If you are tired of your browser taking an age to open the link, then heres the link direct to the You Tube clip of Amon 1988 well worth watching- Its fucking prime Glen Benton- killer!
heres our webmasters view on your question:
The Webmaster replies...
Well, sometimes the information on Blabbermouth is inaccurate, so I only post news sent to me via the Earache Press department, (which has undergone staff changes during the run up to the Deicide launch-still looking for staff as far as I know...).
"The Stench of Redemption" news...
True, the track listing is not up...yet.
I've not been supplied it. I did see the track list on Blabbermouth and will be adding that info to the site today...once I have verified it is the correct list/order of tracks.
There has been "secret cover track" news some time. Even when it was mentioned in Earache emails there may be this cover track on the album the title was not revealed to me!
In an ideal world, when people send info to Blabbermouth about Earache bands, it would be nice if they would also send it to our press department so we can post the news as well.
The cover art...
The cover art was posted May 8th and 15th on news items.
Deicide news in general...
There is indirect news about Deicide on Blabbermouth, (e.g. a recent article with Alex Webster that mentions Jack Owen move to Deicide: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=52333), While the article is "Deicide news" in a way, it's not Earache news. So yes, there will always be more Deicide news out there, than the Deicide news on Earache.com
The video...
Works fine for me (tried all three links on the news item: http://www.earache.com/news_stories/deicide.html#1988).
I can't do anything about the www.yourtube.com content (video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBWpLCSEdLk )- if the video won't play, update your browser or download the appropriate plug-in.
Please let me know if anyone else is having a problem.
Broken Links...
If there are a lot of broken links then it's odd that I am not being deluged with complaints. I usually get about two dozen "bad link" reports a year, not bad on a site the size of www.earache.com
But, that's not an excuse for complacency - if there are broken links, please report them to webmaster@earache.com
Thanks for the reply. It's a shame that the Deicide album is now going to be delayed. But at least that means the guys are spending more time on making the album right and not rushing it.
It seems I was having browser problems. I use Firefox most of the time and I could not see the video link with it. IE works fine with it.
Thats for taking the time to reply.
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