Question: Hi Dig, firstly I\'d like to say I love the fact Earache re-releases it\'s catalogue, not only does it keep some bloody classic albums in circulation(which would be very hard to find otherwise) but also keeps alot of the older bands on the label relevant, by remarketing/promoting out of print albums, so well done for that.
Secondly I\'d like to ask what special packaging you\'ll be using for the CARCASS SYMPHONIES OF SICKNESS REISSUE? Its such a monumental album you have to do something special. As a collector and fan I can\'t wait to get my hands on Reek, even though its a bit of an overlooked classic I know the real grinders out there consider Symphonies one of the finest(if not THE) grindcore albums ever recorded and seeing how its such a monumental release then there should be something special on the reissue, in terms of packaging, something special with maybe a blood pack or something like the Seasons in the Abyss single. From: intestinaldischarge@live.co.uk
Answer: Thanks for the kind words and thanks for buying our Cds! Its appreciated i can tell ya!!Y'know, your opinion is somewhat contrary to the online message-board warriors, who mostly slag all re-issues off as blatant label cash-ins, whichever the label, or however lavish the packaging/extras, forgetting that fans who were'nt around at the time would like to purchase the CD, especially if its been out of print for years.Most of them are downloaders who get their music from megauploadnazi and radipsharenazi, with an average of approx 15 Cds & 50,000 FREE mp3s in their collection, anyways, so fuck them, I say!!
Yes we are planning somthing extra lavish for the final Cd in the Pathologist's Report series, to be honest its not decided yet, tho the disc will include demos for symphonies album, but front-runner idea is a code in the package for a bookshelf box which will house the whole set of 5 discs.You email in and get the box sent to your house by us.If you have any other ideas please feel free to comment below, we seriously haven't decided yet on the packaging but it will be mega deluxe.
Please, what are the release dates for both "Reek..." and "Symphonies..." in the US?
the box to house all 5 cds sounds a great idea, thanks earache.
Sweet deal! Yes, a box or anything somehow tying all the remasters together would be awesome. I already had the previous remasters, but have never owned Reek or Symphonies due the the low quality. Now I'll have 'em all soon with a fancy picture of the band on the spines...
I'd buy the re-issue definately. I had bought "Symphonies of Sickness" when it originally came out on cassette with the autopsy collage cover. The only hesitation would be if it wasn't remastered but hell, it's Carcass!
Ummm, I bought this and can't find the code...
Hello i just got my bookshelf box (thanks by the way) but it is to large. Any idea on what is going on?
Symphonies of sickness is the reason i am a retarded metalhead. that album changed my life. my favorite record ever. ive considered getting the re-issues just for the dvd's. that would mean id own reek a total of 4 1/2 times!! (Cassette, cd(with censored cover) re-issue platter of splatter and the 16 bonus trax on symphonies!!!
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