Question: what was the project that earache was undergoing with Sedition that got shelved? id never heard of it before until i saw it mentioned on wikipedia. From:
Answer: It's vaguely possible but I don't honestly recall too much about this band.According to the bands wikipedia entry, they were an 80's anarcho-punk band, which is a scene I was a massive fan of - so I guess its very likely we were in touch.The wiki says they toured with Government Issue and Antisect, both bands I was heavily into at the time, so we certainly must have crossed paths.
For some reason, the actual timelines dont add up tho-Earache did'nt really get going until 1987 and didnt make a compilation till 1989's GRINDCRUSHER and by then Sedition had long split up.
I can only assume it was idle chat on my part during the mid 80's when I was going to tons of gigs, and planning -more like dreaming- of doing a label, but never had the means or money or confidence to actually do it.
As I recall [being in Sedition at the time] there was a vague promise to put out a 6 track 12" Single based on some things we did in the studio plus some new stuff.
We were in the process of putting this sort of thing together when I lost interest in the band due to many reasons and we finally called it a day.
GB March 2009
Well, I can't remember the details exactly. Maybe it was 'just talk 'on Dig's part (assuming he wrote this page above that I just stumbled on while experimenting with Google searches), and how it came to me, I don't remember, I don't think I was the first person the 'talk' went on with, and it was passed on to me (maybe from Greg, who obviously wrote the previous comment), but I talked to Dig at a BGK gig (or was it Negazione? I think it was BGK) a little later (we'd sent him the demo, of 5 tracks as I remember) in Coventry and he said 'Oh, yeah, I liked the slower tracks' (as did we, you can hear rough recordings of them, taken from an old cassette, not sure where the masters are, uploaded to the page for Sedition on last.fm, called 'Leech', 'Pink Hendrix Hairdryer' and 'Dirge') and confirmed that he was up for putting out a couple of those, or something; I thought it was a planned comp that got dumped, but I could remember wrong. Maybe it was just a rough potential idea he had. We knew Dig anyway from before, seeing as we basically lived with Antisect, shared equipment with them, and were often in their van with them for gigs even when we weren't playing. They're still my friends now, was messaging one of them just yesterday. Dig remembered me and our band and demo then, at that gig, maybe the last time I saw him, must have been late '86, maybe '87, but this is more than 20 years ago. I can only guess he had some vague plans then and said he might include us. We weren't insulted or anything that things happen and it didn't work out. I was at that gig in Coventry in late '87 when Napalm Death 'presented' their new phase with Lee Dorrian and the growling and stuff, supporting Antisect, and me and our bass player took the train with Lee afterwards (by the way, I saw a pic from 2008, with Pete (Lippy) and John from Antisect, stading somewhere with Lee in 2008. John has it in his myspace albums) and had a chat with him, where I said, 'You weren't saying any words much were you, just growling' and he said 'Yeah, I haven't learned most of the lyrics yet so I just did that, but I think I might keep doing it', so, anyway, what I'm saying is there were plenty of other things to take Dig's attention. I kept seeing Napalm Death all over the place after that, despite not really trying to. Saw them support Naked Raygun, I roadied for Holy Terror when they toured with DRI and there were 2 gigs with ND, in Nottingham (did I see Dig there, I can't remember? Kev from Conflict was there, John Peel too, who wrote about it in the Observer, and now it's in his book 'The Olivetti Chronicles') and at the Hammersmith Clarendon. We weren't a part of all that scene really, with various influences and motivations, and fading due to a lack of clarity about what we wanted to do.
(I've split the comment because the system tell me it's too long) Well, I can't remember the details exactly. Maybe it was 'just talk 'on Dig's part (assuming he wrote this page above that I just stumbled on while experimenting with Google searches), and how it came to me, I don't remember, I don't think I was the first person the 'talk' went on with, and it was passed on to me (maybe from Greg, who obviously wrote the previous comment), but I talked to Dig at a BGK gig (or was it Negazione? I think it was BGK) a little later (we'd sent him the demo, of 5 tracks as I remember) in Coventry and he said 'Oh, yeah, I liked the slower tracks' (as did we, you can hear rough recordings of them, taken from an old cassette, not sure where the masters are, uploaded to the page for Sedition on last.fm, called 'Leech', 'Pink Hendrix Hairdryer' and 'Dirge') and confirmed that he was up for putting out a couple of those, or something; I thought it was a planned comp that got dumped, but I could remember wrong. Maybe it was just a rough potential idea he had. We knew Dig anyway from before, seeing as we basically lived with Antisect, shared equipment with them, and were often in their van with them for gigs even when we weren't playing. They're still my friends now, was messaging one of them just yesterday....
...Dig remembered me and our band and demo then, at that gig, maybe the last time I saw him, must have been late '86, maybe '87, but this is more than 20 years ago. I can only guess he had some vague plans then and said he might include us. We weren't insulted or anything that things happen and it didn't work out. I was at that gig in Coventry in late '87 when Napalm Death 'presented' their new phase with Lee Dorrian and the growling and stuff, supporting Antisect, and me and our bass player took the train with Lee afterwards (by the way, I saw a pic from 2008, with Pete (Lippy) and John from Antisect, stading somewhere with Lee in 2008. John has it in his myspace albums) and had a chat with him, where I said, 'You weren't saying any words much were you, just growling' and he said 'Yeah, I haven't learned most of the lyrics yet so I just did that, but I think I might keep doing it', so, anyway, what I'm saying is there were plenty of other things to take Dig's attention. I kept seeing Napalm Death all over the place after that, despite not really trying to. Saw them support Naked Raygun, I roadied for Holy Terror when they toured with DRI and there were 2 gigs with ND, in Nottingham (did I see Dig there, I can't remember? Kev from Conflict was there, John Peel too, who wrote about it in the Observer, and now it's in his book 'The Olivetti Chronicles') and at the Hammersmith Clarendon. We weren't a part of all that scene really, with various influences and motivations, and fading due to a lack of clarity about what we wanted to do.
I created SEDITION, one day at a demo in South London i saw a flyer and on it was the words "sedition"...anyway to cut a boring story short, i wanted to form a band so i did just that. Mark at a party tapped out drums rythmes and he was good etc, so then we gathered forces from mutual friends, i sang and they played!!!! that's it BUT i want to sing NOW!!! still!!
It's all old hat!! i was the founder of SEDITION and i lived with ANTISECT back then
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