Question: Hi there,
I wonder if there are any detailed informations about the number of copies that were pressed from the \"old\" Earache releases? I\'m trying to complete \"my youth\" what means MOSH1 to MOSH49 on vinyl records. Last week i finally got my MOSH10. It was very hard to find that one. But much harder to find, nearly impossible is e.g. MOSH1. So my question is how many copies were pressed of MOSH 1 to 49? From: m.mahlert@googlemail.com
Answer: Well good luck to you in your search- it was only recently that i got my own copy of MOSH1 on vinyl cos i never put myself a copy aside on release(thanks Lee).The Accused record was not actually pressed by me, it was a co-release with Bristols now long defunct label COR, who kindly made the pressing for me.I suspect maybe 5000 were made on LP at the time, 1987- and no represings ever since cos the rights reverted to the band.
You can get a lot of info on pressings at our catalog page
HERE.Most of the releases 1-49 did come out on vinyl but in varying quantities. The bigger bands Napalm Death, carcass, Entombed, Morbid Angel etc probably did 10,000+ on vinyl and are easily available even 20 years later on ebay etc.Some of the less successful acts had pressings more in the order of 2000-3000 or so.Titles like the first OLD, Intense Degree,Filthy Christians,Spazztic Blurr, Sore Throat, Sweet Tooth just did not sell that well on release so i put the labels energies into the bands who were exploding so the others never waranted a re-press at the time.
By a supreme irony i have a werehouse at a secret location in Nottingham, chock full of unsold vinyl albums from the 90's, and every now and again we visit the place and see lying around some of these long lost classics that collectors would kill for.But we leave them there, gathering dust- unwanted and unloved. Sorry dude.