Question: Is the Collateral Damage video really not an offical earache vid? Danny said on his interview wth metal injection at maryland deathfest that it was made by a friend of the band who worked in a video editing suite and not by the label? From:
Answer: Not sure what you mean, it IS official in that Earache paid for it, mass produced it and spread it via the TV outlets that played music videos at the time (This was made a decade before YOutube started).The actual idea for making the one-second long clip was not ours though- we were planning on making clips for the longer proper songs, for MTV play etc- and the video just turned up.The idea was the bands not the label's yeah thats correct, but we instantly loved the clip and its turned out to become like Brutal Truth's calling card.We submitted it to the Guinness book and were very happy to see it featured as offically recognised as the world's shortest video in the book, about 5 years ago.The band even had their picture in the Guinness book!
Here it is- its simply made up of about 40 still frames of war/horror scenes- blink and you'll miss it!
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