Wondered if you could shed some light on something that\'s been bugging me for years.
I bought the first pressing of Fudge Tunnels\' \'Hate Songs...\' LP when it was released back in 91. The vinyl came sealed in plastic, with a free 7\" of \'Cat Scratch Fever\' and \'Joined at the dick\'. My copy of the 7\" has the cover spattered with blue\' green and red paint and has \'Blizzard of fudge\' written on the other side in silver marker. I have seen other copies of the 7\" and all of them came in a plain black innersleve.
Any ideas on it\'s origin? Thanks man! From: sutton808303@gmail.com
Answer: Thanks for reminding me about that, what you have is a copy personalised by the band - they scribbled their words of wisdom on it, just for you! The 7inch only came i think with the first 1000 LP's of the debut, and from memory about 100 of them were personalised.The idea was that you'd have something highly collectible in years to come, err but the band split a few years later, shame that part of the bargain didnt work out eh?
It came about because the band lived in our home town of Nottingham, they would be in the office a lot anyways, and it occured to us geniuses at the label that a cheap/easy/simple marketing idea would be to get the band to personalise some of the records, which they did -albeit reluctantly, because it seemed hella tacky to them.So they trooped into the office weeks before the release,and we gave em an assortment of coloured marker pens- and they went to work marking and scribbling on them. The sleeves were sent to the plant and were inserted into the packaging and shrinkwrapped for shops.
The idea seemed to actually go down well with fans, so this was expanded upon for the next Fudge Tunnel release, the follow up CD Creep Diets was again personalised by the band - from memory about 5000 CD were done this way, the band spent 2 long nights at home marking the white area under the trays with their scribbles.
If you saw a used copy today you'd assume it was graffitied by the owner, not the actual band.Hope this explains what you bought, and why.Guitarist Alex Newport from the band relocated to USA, stayed in music,and is now a respected producer in San Francisco I beleive, and his claim to fame is he produced the demo which got System Of A Down signed.
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