Question: Does earache have a policy of not signing bands of staffers or somthing? as this is the only reason that i can think of why you didnt pick up narcosis when they were around ( didnt chris used to work in your offices a while back), I thought their Discordance Axis on steroids sound would be right up earache\'s street.
Answer:Narcosis? they sound more like DX on bad glue, mate! Ha ha! ;-) Actually, the band were barely even going when Chris used to work at Earache, he worked ( well,i say 'worked") at the office for oh, all of 2 months, and we used to mercilessly take the mickey out of his piss-weak grind band, as well as his lightweight drinking behaviour.
This was before the album "Romance" came out...which when we finally heard it - bloody hell, it certainly raised a few eyebrows round these parts, it was fast as hell and evoked the true spirit of grind- we were eating our words, big style.
Some of the other staffers had seen them live and reported good things, so we began to cast a more watchful gaze over the band.Then out of the blue, they quite unexpectedly split up, so with the demise of the band, that seemed to be the end of the matter. However, I can exclusively reveal to you, dear blog-readers, that Earache will release a Narcosis full discography CD in the very near future, so you were right- it was up our street, only we were too stupid to realise it till it was over.
For a taste of prime quality grind fans can expect check this out: ho ho.
AHAHAHA It's great getting some insight into Chris's social habits around some of his past "work" chums there for what ever short time or length leash you had him on at the time.
The video is appreciated, thanks mates!
And sorry but your loss for not hanging on to him longer as his taste in music in my opinion was always tits.
He'd probably hate that phrase.
AHAHAHA It's great getting some insight into Chris's social habits around some of his past "work" chums there for what ever short time or length leash you had him on at the time.
The video is appreciated, thanks mates!
And sorry but your loss for not hanging on to him longer as his taste in music in my opinion was always tits.
He'd probably hate that phrase.
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